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Introduction to the TAG Heuer Monaco

The TAG Heuer Monaco Split-Seconds Chronograph, in its two distinct models—CBW2182.FC8339 and CBW2181.FC8322—epitomizes the fusion of TAG Heuer’s rich heritage and avant-garde innovation. These timepieces, while celebrating the original 1969 Monaco, incorporate modern design elements and the sophisticated split-seconds complication, making them true icons of luxury watchmaking.

Celebrating Color: Original Blue and Racing Red



The CBW2182.FC8339 model features original blue accents on the split-seconds hand and titanium dial arches, paying homage to the classic Monaco style. In contrast, the CBW2181.FC8322 model opts for a more daring aesthetic with stealthy black DLC-coated titanium and striking red lacquered rattrapante hand, embodying TAG Heuer’s deep connection to motorsport and speed. These color choices not only highlight TAG Heuer’s legacy but also enhance the dynamic appeal of each model.

Architectural Elegance and Engineered Perfection

Both models of the TAG Heuer Monaco Split-Seconds Chronograph are housed in grade-5 titanium cases with sapphire crystal, showcasing alternating handmade finishes that underscore their architectural elegance. The CBW2181.FC8322 goes further, offering unobstructed views of the Calibre TH81-00 movement, a marvel of lightness and complexity. This design approach ensures that each watch is not only a functional timekeeper but also a piece of wearable art.

Splitting Time with Precision

At the heart of these timepieces lies the highly sophisticated split-seconds chronograph function, allowing for the precise measurement of multiple time intervals simultaneously. This feature is a testament to TAG Heuer’s longstanding expertise in precision timekeeping, especially in the high-stakes world of racing. The split-seconds or “rattrapante” function is a pinnacle of watchmaking ingenuity, reflecting both the historical significance and technical prowess of TAG Heuer.

At the End of the Day

The TAG Heuer Monaco Split-Seconds Chronograph models represent the apex of Swiss horological craftsmanship, blending traditional aesthetics with groundbreaking functionality. While this watch impresses visually, mechanically, and in terms of exclusivity, I recommend approaching with caution. At the end of the day, $138,000 is a significant amount when there are many other watches I would rather own.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.