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Love It or Hate It: The MoonSwatch has reached Iconic Status

Love it or hate it, the MoonSwatch has firmly established itself as a cultural icon and a staple in the watch industry worldwide. Its impact is undeniable, and its influence is astonishing—especially for a watch priced under $500! What makes it even more special is its universal accessibility. Regardless of your status, background, or influence, everyone is on equal footing. You have to visit a designated Swatch store to get one—no VIP treatment, no exceptions!

With six MoonSwatches already in my collection, I still want more! Until recently, the Mission to Mars was my favorite because of its history, bold contrast, and unique design. However, my newest acquisition, the white Mission to the Moonphase “Snoopy” Edition, has completely won me over. Released in March 2024 as part of the Full Moon series, it captures everything I love about the MoonSwatch: the story, the aesthetic, the thrill of the hunt, the collectibility, and, of course, the price.

The Story

For those who don’t know, Snoopy has been a celebrated figure in NASA’s safety program. Representing mission success while adding a touch of levity to serious situations, the beloved beagle holds a unique place in space exploration history.

Since 1968, NASA has awarded the Silver Snoopy Award to individuals or companies contributing significantly to the success of human spaceflight missions. Omega received this honor in 1970 for its role in the Apollo 13 mission. To commemorate this achievement, Omega has released three Snoopy Edition Speedmasters since 2003, all of which are now highly sought-after collectibles.

In January 2024, Swatch teased the possibility of a Snoopy-themed MoonSwatch, sending the watch community into a frenzy. Speculations ran wild, from the design, to pricing and availability. By December, I finally secured mine in London after months of patient observation. It was worth the wait—I’m completely obsessed with this watch!


The Aesthetic



The Mission to the Moonphase Snoopy Edition is the only MoonSwatch with an all-white design, making it a standout piece in my collection. Its sleek aesthetics and unique complication create a sense of excitement every time I wear it. More than just a watch, it’s a statement piece that offers newcomers to watch collecting a timeless design that has been celebrated for over 50 years. From its stepped dial featuring a chronograph and moonphase complication to the pump-style pushers and the iconic 42mm Moonwatch case, this watch beautifully honors its heritage while still being within reach.

This model perfectly embodies the defining characteristics of the Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch while seamlessly incorporating Snoopy into the Moonphase complication at the 3 o’clock position. The design is subtle yet impactful, offering a touch of whimsy alongside a higher-end aesthetic.

From the 42mm case, to the pump-style pushers and stepped dial, the design mirrors features found in watches costing exponentially more. It even makes me want to add the real Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch to my collection. For the first time, a chronograph has become a major part of my wrist rotation—proof that good design can change perceptions.

The Thrill of the Hunt

The thrill of the hunt was one of the most exciting and fun parts of acquiring this watch for me. Despite the worldwide hysteria when it initially dropped, the anticipation of possibly securing one was like a drug that I had to have!  After several failed attempts, I finally walked into the Swatch store in Covent Garden one day and snagged it up without any road blocks. The sense of accomplishment was unparalleled.

If you’re still looking to buy one, patience and perseverance are key. The good news is that with determination, you’ll likely secure one. Just don’t wait too long—it’s not part of the core collection and could be discontinued at any moment.

The collectibility

Collectibility is one of this watch’s strongest appeals. Due to its low price tag, it’s an accessible entry point into the world of iconic watches. Swatch has brilliantly executed a design that offers the feel of owning a watch that transcends its retail value. It’s essentially the Daytona for collectors under $500—a stroke of genius.

Given its limited availability and eventual discontinuation, its value is expected to increase significantly. When it first launched, it was reselling for over $2,000 on the secondary market. Even now, it often sells for around $500, proving its enduring demand.

The Price

Price is a crucial factor in any watch purchase, and this is where the MoonSwatch excels. At $310, it’s an incredible value for a watch that delivers so much in terms of design, collectibility, and cultural significance.

In a world where watches often command prices in the thousands or even tens of thousands, the MoonSwatch distinguishes itself by offering an extraordinary blend of heritage and allure at an accessible price point. Few timepieces can match its ability to exude style, ignite enthusiasm, and deliver pure enjoyment. It kicks down the door to the realm of coveted, collectible watches—without requiring membership in an elite circle!

At the end of the day, the Mission to the Moonphase Snoopy Edition is a cultural juggernaut. Whether it’s the history, the stunning design, or the sheer joy of ownership, this piece checks all the boxes. If you’re a fan of iconic watches and timeless design, this is one you won’t want to miss!

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.