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Unveiling the Limited Edition SpaceTime Blade

In a bold move that blends artistry with precision, URWERK introduces the SpaceTime Blade, a limited edition series consisting of just 33 pieces. This innovative creation steps away from conventional watchmaking, featuring no satellites, wandering hours, planetary gears, cases, or dials. Instead, URWERK has conceptualized a timekeeping sculpture that stretches the boundaries of traditional horology, standing at an impressive 1.70 meters and weighing 20 kilograms.

A Timekeeping Sculpture Rooted in History

The SpaceTime Blade is a modern reinterpretation of the ancient gnomon, one of the earliest time-measuring devices. This towering structure does more than just tell time; it serves as a dynamic indicator of the Earth’s motion around the Sun, transforming our perception of time from hours and minutes to a cosmic scale of movement through space.

Craftsmanship and Collaboration

To realize this vision, URWERK collaborated with artisans who share a passion for the extraordinary. Among them is Mr. Lukuvka, a master of lost-wax casting, who crafted the imposing bronze base that supports the entire structure. This base not only anchors the SpaceTime Blade physically but also enhances its aesthetic appeal with a meticulously applied patina finish.

The Art of Glass and Light

Above this majestic base sits a uniform glass dome that houses eight vertically aligned Nixie bulbs. Each bulb is a work of art, handcrafted through the rigorous processes of fire and purification to achieve a distinct appearance. These glass marvels were created in the renowned workshops near Novy Bor, in the heart of the Czech Republic’s “Crystal Valley,” a region celebrated for its glassmaking expertise.

Revolutionary Remote Control Functionality

URWERK has equipped the SpaceTime Blade with a remote control that seems to draw inspiration from the realm of science fiction. This controller offers eight distinct display modes, allowing the user to switch from conventional time measurements to more abstract representations like the distance traveled by the Earth in its celestial journey.

Display Modes Include:

  • Conventional time (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Enhanced chronometry (including tenths and hundredths of a second)
  • Calendar functions (day, month, year)
  • Kilometric counters for Earth’s daily rotation and annual revolution
  • A unique shuffle mode
  • A pause feature for static display

A Nod to Scientific Heritage

The SpaceTime Blade is not only a functional instrument but also an homage to the scientific tools of the past. It draws from the design legacy of telescopes, microscopes, and other measuring instruments traditionally crafted in bronze. Moreover, it embraces the aesthetics of science fiction, creating a futuristic yet nostalgic appeal.

Technical Details at a Glance

  • Dimensions: Height of 170 cm; Weight of 20 kg.
  • Components: Over 1,445 individual components.
  • Base: Bronze with black patina, created using lost wax casting.
  • Price: 55,000 Swiss Francs.

At the end of the day…

The URWERK SpaceTime Blade redefines the intersection of timekeeping and art, offering an unparalleled visual and functional experience. It is a testament to URWERK’s commitment to pushing the limits of what a timepiece can represent, making it a must-have for collectors and aficionados who appreciate the melding of high art with advanced horology. At the end of the day, this time sculpture is not just a device to tell time but a statement about the journey through space and time itself.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.